Lisa Miller ✧

I could not make a Scott Pilgrim shrine without Lisa Miller. Lisa Miller was one of Scott’s high school friends when Scott went to St. Joel's Catholic High School. She first appears in Vol. 2 in a flashback from when Scott was in high school. She was close friends with Scott and Kim and they were bandmates in a band called ‘Sonic & Knuckles.’
She would be seen again in Vol. 4 where she meets Scott at the mall for the first time since high school. She won’t appear again in the series after Vol.4 :(. She plays a vital role in Scott’s character development as she makes Scott realise how much he values Ramona. The scene that leads up to this realisation is when Lisa and Scott are together in Lisa’s sister’s apartment. They talk to each other and Scott mentions a fight he had with Ramona about how Ramona was jealous of Lisa mind you Lisa and Scott never dated before but there was obvious tension between Ramona and Lisa when they first met. Lisa in response says “Maybe we should have,” practically telling Scott do you want to get with someone new and more desirable (Lisa) or Ramona. If you want a better analysis of Lisa’s character you can read more here.

Lisa was originally going to be on the cover for Vol. 4. This page can be found at the back in the BTS section of the coloured edition of Vol.4!

Lisa appears in an animated short on Adult Swim called ‘Scott Pilgrim vs. The Animation.’ The animated short is about the flashback from Vol 2. It was made to promote the movie!

click the image to watch it!

There were going to be more animated shorts but due to the movie failing BADLY in the box office, they couldn’t make more. We could have gotten an animated series earlier with the early SP art style. ╯︿╰

Lisa can skateboard!

In the Scott Pilgrim video game, Lisa appears as an NPC in the background. Her hair is shown to be pink! The outfit she’s wearing is similar to Ramona’s in Vol 3 when Ramona battles Envy.

Lisa’s hair being pink could be attributed to the fact that the video game was released in 2010 2 years before the coloured version of the comics would release. So at that time, there were no canon colours for some of the Scott Pilgrim characters (including Lisa) which is why some of the characters in the game are slightly different. Also, Lisa was one of three Scott Pilgrim characters that appeared in Bryan Lee O’Malley’s earlier works before Scott Pilgrim called ‘Style’. In Style, her hair is depicted to be pink so it could be refernce to her original hair colour from Style!

Lisa doesn’t appear in the movie but her name is mentioned!
+ Lisa makes the SMALLEST appearance in one frame in the anime but 90% of her is covered.

(This is dedicated to this guy on the Scott Pilgrim Reddit)